City Of Eugene Parks and Open Space
I led the division's leadership team through a comprehensive strategic planning process, facilitating surveys, listening sessions, and workshops that resulted in the 2025-2028 Strategic Plan. The plan established four key priorities (Staff Wellbeing, Resource Optimization, Quality Park Experiences, and Environmental Resiliency) to guide organizational direction and resource allocation for the next four years. I also designed the final report.
For these projects, I was responsible for gathering content from subject matter experts then writing/rewriting for a general audience. For the print products, I oversaw the design process using a freelance contractor and managed the print and mailing process with additional vendors. I put together the digital products myself. 

2022 Volunteer Program Impact Report

2021 Volunteer Program Impact Report

2020 Volunteer Program Impact Report

2021 Annual Summer Newsletter - transitioned to online platform due to budget reduction.

2020 Annual Summer Newsletter - mailed to every residential address in Eugene.

2019 Annual Summer Newsletter - mailed to every residential address in Eugene.

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